




For three years I've studied nutrition,  applied it to my life...and that of my honey. I lost 55 pounds, she, 30. I owe my education to a couple of metabolic doctors on YouTube who explained how FOOD INC, like the tobacco industry have groomed us into the arms of Pharmakia. I was near diabetic when Wuhan-Fauci was released. I knew instinctively not to take the koolaid jab. Never did the NIH, CDC, FDA or the White House press secretary emphasize proper nutrition as the natural way to a strong immune system. I told my doctor I refused the jab and he told me to become a hermit because I had all the comorbidities targeted on my back. Metabolic syndrome was at the top, cascading down to hypertension, fatty liver, poor A1C test results. That was then, this is now. Today I have an ALT of 17, cholesterol 141 with triglyceride/LDL ratio that rocks! Glucose in the 70's and spikes when eating from the food desert. The edema in my feet and legs has gone way down, Arrhythmia is 90% better. It's all due to limiting sugar, wheat, corn, rice and soybean oil. The 5 USDA farm bill commodities that make up the western diet. Then there's corn and soybean meats...all GMO. GMO means RoundUp Ready crops sprayed with glyphosate in the field, ingested from the end product. Got gut issues? It may be from eating foods sprayed with chemicals that kill the microbiome. That's why a homie should eat grass fed meats and non-GMO veggies.

Care for a salad? I make the best. Call me, Charlie

 Dr. Robert Lustig has a lecture on sugar called Fat Chance: Fructose 2. It blew my mind to know sugar is addictive and the reason it's pert near in everything packaged or bottled. Same with wheat. Ever notice on the ingredients list of many packaged foods, "contains wheat products" even though unrelated to the factory food? Dr. William Davis explains how food chemistry science has discovered/developed an opiate peptide in both sugar and wheat that when consumed over time creates addiction. This is used for brand loyalty. Infant formula's use sugars as the #3 ingredient. Sounds criminal, right? The FDA has allowed FOOD INC to list maltodextrin without calling it 'added sugar'. And people wonder why children are so big. Maltodextrin is made from corn, rice or potato starch. Look at the carbs, not the added sugar. Take the carb count and devide by 4.5 to give you teaspoons. If they add up to more than 6 tsp/day the liver can't metabolize it fast enough so it's stashed as fat. Over time the liver becomes fatty. I should mention I'm not a doctor of nutrition or medicine. Just a former sugar/wheat addict who now wants to help others get out from under the Beast and its many Pharmakia. The advice I give is antidotal, personal to my life. The only service I offer is to make you salads that will improve nutrition. Cutting back on the addiction to sugar and wheat takes will power and without good nutrition limiting the 5 will fail. Text or call Charlie Service area within 20 miles of zipcode

